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NTR IDG AI Exercises

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All exercises provide AI feedback prompted by the exercise author. This means the feedback is geared toward the learning points of the exercise. Most exercises have extensive teaching notes.

At Your Service AI – have your students negotiate with an angry AI negotiator to learn to refocus anger and threats to respect and interests.

The Pumpkins Exercise – a short introductory deal making exercise that requires not just focusing on the other party’s interests, but also creative thinking about how to meet those interests.  It is based on a real negotiation, but it has all the elements of 2 sisters and the orange.

Performance Appraisal – your students interact orally with AI to review performance.  Great way to learn to overcome fear of giving negative feedback and to learn to give constructive, behavioral feedback.

Tree Trimming Dispute – your student plays the role of the mediator and AI takes the roles of neighbors in a dispute about trees on their joint property line.  This is an introductory mediation exercise.

Paradise AI – your student plays the third-party boss and AI takes the roles of disputing subordinates in this AI version of the popular Paradise exercise.