Grant Information & Application
NTR’s research grants support studies of negotiation and conflict management broadly construed. NTR is particularly interested in supporting research that uses a variety of methods that capture negotiators’ chatting, talking, and interacting, rather than research that sets up a scenario and asks people how they would negotiate. In 2025 NTR is interested in supporting research at the interface of negotiation and sustainability. NTR continues to be interested in supporting AI and negotiation research. NTR is prepared to fund 10 or more research grants of up to $10,000 annually.
NTR research grants are open to scholars associated with universities globally. Scholars and teams of scholars at any career stage are eligible for NTR research grants, but NTR prefers to support advanced PhD students, post docs, and early career faculty.
The grant recipient’s institution must be able to accept grant funds in U.S. dollars without taking overhead or indirect costs. NTR is a 501c(3) not-for-profit corporation.
A panel whose members are from the Conflict Management division of the Academy of Management and the International Association for Conflict Management review the research grant proposals and advise the NTR Board of Directors regarding funding.
Evaluation criteria include: 1) Quality of the application – interesting RQ, feasible design; 2) Likelihood of the work being appropriate for publication in top-tier outlets; 3) Likelihood of the work making an impact on theory and practice more broadly.
Acknowledgment and Product
Researchers should add this acknowledgement to publications that result from research supported by NTR: “This research was supported by a grant from NTR (negotiationandteamresources.com).” The NTR research grant period is two years. At the end of the grant period, NTR expects researchers to submit an abstract of no more than 500 words describing the research accomplishment. NTR encourages grant recipients to present their research at international meetings and publish their work in outlets of interest to academics and practitioners.
Budget Guidelines
Research grant funds may be used to pay for data collection, coding, and analysis. Funds may be used for research-required travel, but not for conferences. NTR does not pay researcher salaries. Funds may be used to pay research assistants, coders, programmers, etc. NTR waives royalty fees for use of NTR distributed exercises in NTR funded research.
Application Information
Proposals are due April 1. Complete the downloadable Application Form, which requires a 500 word abstract, a budget, no more than a 10-page proposal, and a CV. Funding decisions are usually made by May 31.
If the proposal is for a Research Residency, funds may be used for travel to the residency, health insurance, visas, inoculations, living expenses, research expenses, and software (but usually not hardware). Residency grant proposals must be signed by applicant and host. Please see Research Residency Host Guidelines below.
NTR Research Host Guidelines
- Hosts should have an ongoing research program in conflict, negotiation, or dispute resolution, broadly defined.
- Hosts’ institutions are expected to provide support for the resident in obtaining any necessary visas and health insurance. If home country health care will not extend coverage, NTR funds may be used for health insurance. Hosts are expected to provide desk space, library access, and internet connection for the resident. Ideally, the resident would have the status of visiting scholar and an institutional ID for the duration of the residency. Hosts are expected to welcome the resident and invite the resident to meet regularly with the host and the host’s research team. Hosts or hosts’ institutions should provide the resident with assistance in finding short-term housing. Hosts are encouraged to provide research funds for projects involving the resident to the extent possible.
- The expectation of the NTR research grant program is that the transfer of knowledge will go both ways. Residents should not be treated as free labor or given meaningless tasks. Hosts and residents should work together to produce a joint product. A 500 word abstract of that joint product should be emailed to ntr@negotiationandteamresources.com at the end of the proposed grant period.
- For U.S. residencies. If the resident is to be in direct contact with human subjects or data with identifiers, the host should arrange for the resident to take the CITI exam in advance of arrival. Alternatives include having the resident work only with non-identifiable data, or designing studies that the resident will run at his/her home institution.